Progress is Progress

Ever feel like you’re going backwards?

Eating the wrong things, not getting enough sleep, not feeling stronger or faster every day that your in the gym?

Sometimes I feel like this, however knowing where I have come from and what I have achieved to date with my own health and fitness lifestyle changes, I know that Progress is still progress no matter how small.

You will not feel like a superhero or supermom every day!

Progress is not linear,  there will be some ups and downs just like in life, this is what makes the journey the most interesting part.

If I could give you any advice,  it would be to take each day as it comes, consider all the factors that affect your journey whatever that may be.

All the daily things in our lives have an impact on the outcome of our progress.  Take for instance you have had a bad few nights sleep, this can have a knock on affect on the choice you make for your food or your performance in the gym.

Feeling tired and motivation is low.  Tailor your training to suit how you are feeling that day.   You can not expect to go hard in the gym and hit pb’s or go 90% and feel good.  Instead use tis day as a rest day or to go at a steady pace get mobility work done and your steps in. This will serve you better both in mind and body.

I’m more like the tortoise slowly chipping away daily, doing the best I can.

This is my job, this is my life, I must take responsibility for my own actions. I love the positive impact it has had on all aspects of my life.

I don’t have any one big goal of a competition, body composition or even a final destination.   I chose to live this way to become healthier, happier and fitter I’m happy moving along day by day slowly making progress with all aspects of my health and fitness to benefit my daily life.

Focus on what you want your Life to look like not just your Body.

Keep showing up day after day, stay the course, be consistent you got this. Your progress is there, just do not quit😉

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