Love your body, you have to live there!

Here is something I want to share with you, I hope it helps in some way.

Love your body, you have to live there!

Stop Comparing yourself with others there can be only one You and you’re enough.

Learn to accept the things you can’t change and work your ass off for the things you can change.

I think we all have parts of our bodies that we are not happy with or we would like to change. For some of them we can change depending on how much you really want to change but ultimately you need to be kind to yourself you need to become self accepting and show yourself some love. Change takes time! Stop comparing yourself to all the stars and Instagram pics you see daily most are Not real, that’s a whole other conversation!

Now back to my point.

Yes I have stretch marks lots and lots of them some from my teenage years from my body developing and changing shape but most from pregnancies I like to think of them as my “strips that I earned”!

Not my original lines but I heard Reese Witherspoon use that line once and it struck a cord with me and well now I use it too.

No they are not attractive but I have them and I am not going to waste precious time, energy and emotions worrying about them. Yes I cover them up to the world because who really wants to see that! Apart from swimming, holidays and home they are never on public view. At the end of the day I can’t change them so I have accepted and embraced them, they are a part of me just another part that adds to my unique self. Just another part of my story. Like every other battle scar they all tell a part of your story.

Some times you just need to see it from a different angle, a new view point and make it a positive one, turn it around. Be kind to yourself you are brilliant and beautiful life is tough enough without having negative thoughts about yourself.

For the things you can change like your body composition well it’s simple really there is no magic pill, shake, diet plan or exercise programme. You need to make your decision sort out your nutrition and start some form of exercise.

Yes it will be hard and Yes it does take time but Everything worth while does.

Consistency is Key and it’s over a long period of time. I don’t know anyone who is in great shape that does not work their ass off daily. Like I said above Learn to accept the things you can’t change and work your ass off for the things you can change.

If you would like help with your health & fitness goals get in touch we have our small group, six weeks beginners class or Personal training available!

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